Our Great Guide to Gardening Equipment and Supplies

Our Great Guide to Gardening Equipment and Supplies

Two types of items every gardening enthusiast needs

Vickie Myers

Here are two types of items that every gardening enthusiast needs.

A chainsaw

Any gardener who has trees (including not just large ones but also smaller ornamental ones) in their garden should have a chainsaw. Whilst novice gardeners are sometimes intimidated by the idea of using this powerful piece of equipment, they should try to get to grips with learning to use it safely, as chainsaws can be incredibly useful for many gardening activities. For example, whilst pruning tree branches with a handsaw can be exhausting and can take a long time, pruning them with a chainsaw can take just a few minutes and requires very little physical effort.

Being able to rapidly slice off tree branches can not only make it easier for gardeners to keep their trees healthy but can also help them to protect any flowerbeds or planters they have positioned near their trees, too. If, for example, a storm is due to occur and one of the branches on a tree is damaged and looks like it might fall onto the flowerbed below it at any moment, having a chainsaw would allow the property owner to quickly slice off this damaged branch before the arrival of the storm and its wind causes the branch to break off and crush the nearby flowers.

A collection of basic safety gear

Every gardener should also have a collection of basic safety gear. For example, if a gardener buys a chainsaw, they should also buy themselves a face shield and a pair of chainsaw gloves. The former will prevent wood splinters from flying towards their face whilst they're pruning their trees, whilst the latter will not only help them to grip the chainsaw tightly but will also protect their hands from its vibrations and reduce the depth of any hand injuries they sustain as a result of accidentally touching the chainsaw blade whilst it's moving.

A good pair of safety boots with some inbuilt steel toe shields can also be useful for gardeners. Wearing these boots whilst, for example, carrying the branches they've chopped off their trees with their chainsaws, or whilst holding bags of fertiliser, will reduce the chances of them sustaining foot injuries if any of these heavy items fall from their arms. These boots can also protect their toes from the blade of their chainsaw and ensure that if they accidentally stand on a rake or another sharp gardening implement, the tool's sharp forks or blades will be less likely to pierce the soles of their footwear.


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Our Great Guide to Gardening Equipment and Supplies

Hello! Welcome to our great guide to gardening supplies. We hope that this website will prove to be a useful resource which will help you to get the most out of your garden. The articles posted here explore every area of modern gardening. We will be looking at hand-tools, lawn mowers, power-trimmers and much more. We will also look at how best to source your gardening supplies such as gravel, sand, and soil. While we don't make any claims about having expert knowledge, we have certainly conducted plenty of research into this area. We hope you enjoy reading this blog!
