Our Great Guide to Gardening Equipment and Supplies

Our Great Guide to Gardening Equipment and Supplies

Organic Mulch Options For Your Garden

Vickie Myers

Mulch can be split into two broad categories, namely organic and inorganic. Inorganic mulch is comprised of a synthetic material, such as landscape fabric, and is often selected when the main goal is to suppress weed growth or improve the aesthetic of your garden. Inorganic mulch does not benefit your soil. Organic mulch is a natural product that is comprised of natural materials that will eventually break down. As organic mulch breaks down, it enriches your soil, so this type of mulch is often used in plant beds and vegetable gardens. Read on to learn about a few popular organic mulch options.


Bark is a long-lasting mulch that's slow to decompose, so it can be a cost-effective option. It absorbs rainwater and helps prevent your soil from drying out by releasing moisture slowly into the ground beneath. Bark is an ideal choice for mulching around trees and perennials, but it can be awkward to use in beds that require annual planting, as it must be moved aside to plant seedlings.

Grass Clippings

Grass breaks down quickly, but it's also freely available. Grass clippings will mat together when laid down as mulch. This makes it a good choice for suppressing weeds, but it also prevents water from penetrating the soil below. Grass clippings are best used for walkways between rows in beds rather than as mulch around plants.

Composted Manure

Fresh manure contains harmful pathogens and should not be applied to garden beds. However, composted manure is a safe and effective mulch that's high in vital nutrients for plant growth, such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. In cold weather, composted manure will provide insulation for plant roots and protect them from damage.

Shredded Leaves

When leaves begin to fall from the trees, putting them through a shredder provides a nutrient-dense mulch for your garden beds over the colder months. As the leaves decompose, they enrich the soil and also attract worms. This leaves your garden beds in great condition for planting the following spring and solves the problem of disposing of fallen leaves.

Mulching with organic materials is an environmentally friendly gardening practice that is easy and inexpensive. If you don't have suitable organic mulching materials in your own garden, your local garden centre will have at least some of these options available to purchase. They can also give you advice about the best type of organic mulch for the plants you are growing. Contact a company that offers mulch delivery services to learn more.


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Our Great Guide to Gardening Equipment and Supplies

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